Kuinka kirkastaa tuotevisio
Tuotevisio tukee tuotetiimien proaktiivisuutta. Lue, kuinka kirkastaa tuotevisio ja miten hyödyntää kirkasta tuotevisiota arjessa?
Kirkas tuotevisio saa tuotetiimin loistamaan
Digitaalisessa tuotekehityksessä jatkuva oppiminen on menestymisen edellytys. Tähän vaadittavaa itseohjautuvuutta voi tukea kirkkaalla tuotevisiolla.
Milloin on oikea aika rakentaa ensimmäinen versio softatuotteesta?
Me flowalaiset päädymme keskusteluihin startuppien kanssa usein siinä vaiheessa, kun startupissa tulee ajankohtaiseksi ensimmäisen softatuoteversion rakentaminen. Muuten, täältä voit lukea startup-yhteistyökeisseistämme [https://www.flowa.fi/blog/towards-impact-our-work-so-far/]. Vaikka softatuote olisi kuinka pieni, on sen rakentaminen aina iso investointi alkuvaiheen startupille. Näin on, oli sitten kyse ensimmäisestä tuotantoversiosta, MVP:stä taikka
Coach peer support group?
UPDATE: This ship has sailed and in the end it was not meant to be. Thank you for everyone involved, I'm keeping this blog post published so that if you return to see what came of this idea you can read this update. I'm thinking of
Towards Impact: Our work so far
We want our company Flowa to become a true social and planetary enterprise. In this post I will introduce two of our impact projects: GoWood and What Matters To Me.
Towards social and planetary impact
I want our company Flowa to become a true social and planetary enterprise. One that contributes to the well-being of our society and the sustainability of our planet in addition to being a financially healthy business.
Summing up my July
Right now, people in continental Europe are starting their summer vacations. And at the same time, I'm back from mine. Along with many (most?) people in Finland. I'm writing this post to close my summer vacation chapter. To be able to move onto the next one
Async + Sync Remote Retrospective Plan
Running a remote workshop calls for more up-front planning and prep than face-to-face workshops. That is why I'm sharing this retrospective plan, with a Miro board template, to help you get your retrospective prep done in just a few minutes!
Remote Fishbowl Lean Coffee
This is a remote session plan, with ready-to-use templates, for a big crowd to discuss together in a structured way without a predefined agenda. It is based on both the Lean Coffee structured agendaless meeting format and the Fishbowl discussion format.
Closing with Conclusions
Here is a quick remote workshop activity plan for closing a session with conclusions. It involves reflecting on insights, puzzles and next steps and sharing them with the whole group.