Effective Communication in Distributed Teams

Lot of problems we are facing while working remotely during a time of crisis boil down to communication. Join our online learning circle on effective communication in distributed teams!

Effective Communication in Distributed Teams

"The tools suck!" "Our team meetings are awful!" "Why didn't you tell me about that problem yesterday?"

Lot of problems we are facing now while working remotely during a time of crisis seem to boil down to communication.

So let's discuss and learn about improving communication together!

Let me invite you to our interactive webinar on effective communication in distributed teams!

New Format: Learning Circle

This time, we will experiment with a brand new format: learning circle.

We ask all our participants to read the same insightful text beforehand. We will also send some connecting questions to think about before the session.

In the webinar, we will  discuss the theme. Our hypothesis is that the discussions will be heightened by the collective experience of reading and the insights it ignites.

The format of this webinar will be interactive. We will discuss and learn together in small groups and conclude our learnings together.

Pre-reading about communication in distributed teams

I've selected the Basecamp Guide for Internal Communication as the pre-reading for this learning circle.

Basecamp (formerly known as 37 Signals) is a very successful company. They are also known as one of the premier remote-first companies. I find their thoughts in this matter very refreshing and sometimes challenging. Which is always good!

Here are some quotes to get you interested:

Internal communication based on long-form writing [...] leads to a welcomed reduction in meetings [...].
Substantial decisions start and end with an exchange of complete thoughts, not one-line-at-a-time jousts.
Never expect or require someone to get back to you immediately unless it’s a true emergency.


Date: Friday 12th of June

Time: 13:00 CET Summertime

See the date and time in your own time zone here.

To join, you need just the things you would need to be effective in a remote team setting:

  • good quality internet condition
  • computer
  • webcam
  • good audio setup: headset with a microphone is preferred, but a Jabra device will work as well

We will send you advance information and a link to join the webinar after you enroll.

Sign up!

There are a limited number of seats on our learning circle so reserve yours now!

Feedback from the previous webinars

  • I will play something with my team next week. Thank you for your encouragement!
  • Loads of features to try out, together with my team
  • Great ideas for energizers
  • I like JamBoard, will try this with my team +1
  • We all have tha same problems - that is a relieve
  • This was a reminder to make online meetings less "official" and boring. Check-ins, games, tools to support collaboration etc.
  • Fun, good spirit
  • It's possible to keep things in a time-box!!!!

Great! You’ve successfully signed up.

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