Facilitating Alignment with OKRs

I recently facilitated a session on OKRs in the Agile Finland Coaching Circle. In this post I share the presentation videos from the session as well as my slides.

Facilitating Alignment with OKRs

OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) is a trendy practice of aligning goals and direction of development across the organization. And many companies report they have improved by introducing OKR practices.

I recently facilitated a session on OKRs in the Agile Finland Coaching Circle. In the session, I offered my insights and opinions on OKRs and facilitating alignment with outcome-based development goals based on my recent experiences on facilitating OKR adaptation at Yle and other companies.

In this post I share the presentation videos from the session as well as my slides. For me the main part of the session was exercises and discussion, but I think you might find these videos helpful as well.

Overview: What are OKRs (good for)


How to facilitate adaptation of OKRs

Slides (with lots of links to materials in the final two slides)

Thinking of experimenting with OKRs?

If you want to chat about how to start experimenting with OKRs (or similar ideas) or if you'd like to invite me to run a similar session for your organization, feel free to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you!


Big thanks to Mirette Kangas, the founder of Yle's Agile Culture Accelerator, for leading the OKR coaching effort at Yle. Much of the insight I share here comes from her.

Also thanks to Ari Tanninen for co-hosting the session!

Kudos also to Henrik Kniberg, whose great illustrations and descriptions of autonomy and alignment have been a great resource for me during many years. And to Jeff Gothelf, whose work on Managing with Outcomes (see for example the book Sense & Respond) I find invaluable.

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