Remote Team Health Check

Remote Team Health Check is designed for creating shared understanding of how your remote team is coping and what challenges each one of you is facing.

Remote Team Health Check

After a switch to remote work, we all have our own challenges as our work life and the rest of our lives meshes together.

  • Some of us struggle with loneliness and social isolation.
  • Some of us would need more support to manage their current workload.
  • Some of us feel that our habits and routines are more difficult to keep up.
  • Some of us feel less productive while working more hours, at the same time struggling with their commitments to loved ones.

Do you know how your co-workers are doing?

If we would have more transparency of how everyone is doing and what challenges they are facing, it would be easier for us to have effective discussions on how to improve our remote ways of working together.

But, when under stress, we tend to focus inward and discuss only the tasks at hand in our meetings. This kind of coordination discussion is important, but does not help us understand each others' everyday challenges.

Shared understanding leads to improvement opportunities

Remote Team Health Check is designed for just that: for creating shared understanding of how our remote team is coping and what challenges each one of us is facing. To enable more effective continuous improvement discussions.

Try it now

Try the Remote team Health Check yourself below. After you’ve completed the questionnaire, you will have a chance to order a free Remote Team Health Check Google Sheet to do the health check with your team.

Header photo by Mihály Köles on Unsplash

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