Survey: Challenges in working from home during lockdown

Are you working from home during lockdown? Me too. Let's share and collect our challenges for mutual benefit. Maybe that will spark some ways to help each other.

Survey: Challenges in working from home during lockdown

We want to collect the experiences of us all from this sudden shift to working from home because of COVID-19 lockdown.

For us this is more than a sudden shift to to working remotely: some of us have toddlers and/or school-children at home, some of us might have relatives that have serious concerns. And there is all kinds of uncertainty.

How to take part in the survey

So, for the benefit of all of us, I invite you to participate in collecting a list of our challenges of working from home, as follows:

  1. Please look at the challenges already posted here (in ideas, on lower part of the page) and up-vote those that you share.
  2. If you have challenges that are not already in the list, please submit them (Add Idea). Please try starting with the words: "How might we..."
  3. Please save the link of this page and circle back at a later time to vote on new submissions, if you have time.

You can participate in the survey here.

Unfortunately the embed feature in Tricider is not working right now, so we'll make do with a link :)

We will keep this visible to everyone here

We will keep the results transparent and visible for you all, so that we can all learn from each other and hear about each others' challenges during this time. Maybe that will spark some ideas on how to help each other.

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