How to Diversify Investment Risk in Product Development
A product's lifecycle phase largely dictates the strategy in software product development. However, during the lifecycle, there are several ways to diversify investment risks to avoid insurmountable challenges by the time the product reaches the end of its lifecycle.
Kuinka hajauttaa investointiriskiä tuotekehityksessä
Ohjelmistotuotteiden kehityksessä tuotteen elinkaari sanelee pitkälti strategian. Tuotteen elinkaaren aikana on kuitenkin useita tapoja hajauttaa investointiriskejä niin, että elinkaaren pään saavutettaessa ongelmat eivät kasva ylitsepääsemättömiksi.
Software architecture — The Hardest parts, and how to live with them
I recently read the book “Software Architecture — the Hard Parts”. In this three-part series of articles, you have my top 4 list of the hardest parts and six patterns that I’ve found useful. In this part I'll introduce six patterns that I’ve found useful when struggling with these vicious problems.
Software architecture — The Hardest parts - Part 2 of 3
I recently read the book “Software Architecture — the Hard Parts”. In this three-part series of articles, you have my top 4 list of the hardest parts and six patterns that I’ve found useful. Let's continue with the top 2 from my top 4 list.
Software architecture — The Hardest parts - Part 1 of 3
I recently read the book “Software Architecture — the Hard Parts”. In this three-part series of articles, you have my top 4 list of the hardest parts and six patterns that I’ve found useful. Let's start with the bottom two from my top 4 list.
Free Resources for Remote Software Teams
We have collected a list of the best and most trustworthy free resources for new remote teams.