Preserve what works. Modernize what’s essential. Drive growth by embracing the future, while ensuring continuity and efficiency.

Unlock the Future of Your Legacy Software with Seamless Platform & Technology Modernisation

As a VP of Engineering or Head of Software, you understand the pain of managing legacy systems: rising costs, declining performance, and increasing complexity. The longer you wait, the harder it becomes to maintain standards while seizing new opportunities.

Still, platform modernization might seem a daunting task. One that can risk the health of the business. But it can also be a very lucrative investment in the long term, resulting in a digital solutions development unit that can really take advantage of the most promising opportunities before them.

At Flowa, we bring hands-on experience from diverse industries, ensuring your platform modernisation is smooth, strategic, and effective. Our experts do not just advise—we actively integrate with your development teams to deliver real results, minimizing disruption while driving transformation.

What makes platform modernisation daunting

Size of investment required for a smooth transition

Continuity of the business is everything. To protect this continuity, implementing the modernisation as one giant shift may seem tempting. The problem is that done in this way the scope of investment and the calendar time needed might become too big.

Fortunately, there are strategies to ensure business continuity while modernizing. Instead of an all-in-one shift, a phased approach often reduces risk, investment, and time to value.

Risks of Vendor Lock-In and Rising Costs

Migrating to a new platform can expose your business to vendor lock-in, where you're tied to a specific provider. Public cloud vendors, for example, often make it easy to start with lower costs by avoiding large upfront capital expenses. However, their complex pricing models can lead to unexpectedly high operational costs over time.

To avoid these risks, it's crucial to design your system with general principles and flexible building blocks instead of relying on vendor-specific services. When using public cloud platforms, adopting FinOps practices can help you forecast and manage ongoing costs effectively, keeping spending under control.

Addressing Skill Gaps in Engineering Teams

Adopting new platforms or technologies requires new skills, but your current developers have deep domain knowledge that is hard to replace. Hiring new talent can be slow and expensive, so upskilling your existing team is often the best solution.

Investing in skill development pays off twice: first, when your engineers gain the expertise to maintain and improve the modernized platform, and second, when they are better prepared for future technology changes, making transitions smoother down the road.

Change Management and Coordination

Legacy product teams are used to prioritizing stability, but modernizing technology requires a new mindset—one that embraces change and encourages continuous experimentation and learning to find the next stable phase for growth.

Instead of one large, costly overhaul, a step-by-step approach to modernisation minimizes risk and investment. This process demands careful change management and smooth coordination to ensure each phase is implemented effectively.

Flowa as your modernisation partner

We provide senior-level, experienced, and proactive tech and product experts who work alongside your in-house teams to elevate their growth, accelerate scaling of delivery, and modernise your technology and platforms.

Goal-oriented modernisation

Setting clear goals from the start ensures your modernisation efforts stay focused and efficient. We help define the right outcome and impact goals, keeping them central to every discussion and decision—both with teams and leadership—throughout the process.

Step-by-step modernisation

We help you craft a phased, risk-averse approach to modernisation. Start small, see quick wins, and adapt as you go.

Coupling decision-making and implementation

We ensure that both teams and leadership are involved at the right level—teams in decision-making and leaders in overseeing implementation. We’ll identify key stakeholders and facilitate meaningful, effective collaboration throughout the process.

Learning by doing

Your developers have valuable domain knowledge, and we help them acquire the new skills needed for modernisation—through hands-on experience, not just training. This practical approach ensures they’re equipped to manage both the current transition and future technology shifts, delivering long-term value.

Our principles

Reliable and dependable

We pride ourselves as a reliable and dependable partner. We are all co-founders in our company and our reputation is everything for us.

We stand by our work with a full money-back guarantee—if you're not satisfied at the first checkpoint, you pay nothing.

Lean and Effective

Flowa is a small company. We have learned over the years to prioritise mercilessly. This is what we bring to the table with all our customers as well. Let's focus on the most important stuff and leave everything else for later. And let's focus our own work where it brings the most value. And we'll leave when we are not needed anymore.

Some of Our References

Contact us

If you are weighing the pros and cons of tech or platform modernization, we are happy to help. The best time to bring us into the conversation is right at the beginning – we are happy to discuss different options and explore how you could reach your goals with the least effort.

Contact our sales:

  • Antti Kirjavainen
  • tel. +358 50 546 2 465

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